When the soul leaving the body that may be flying feels melancholy and pain, it is only possible because of me and you do not see the incident.
When life is boring, that's all, and proceeded in a monotone
With the sleep-wake cycle-course meal, then sleep again and spend the money that is not useful.
Sometimes I want to explore the world with life in the world of travel such as Doraemon.
In the actual fact is a trial, we need to face the challenges with inner strength, wise attitude and sincerity in that nature in this life that is full of devotion to God almighty people eat more perfect all-merciful. almighty Allah who created the sacred earth and sky and everything in it, and Allah almighty knows all the secrets of a person.
I asked: "Mom how our lives if we are dead?"
My mother answered : " it's a secret God almighty, it's up to Allah, which is clear in this world we must continue to try to do my best, accept the destiny and its provisions and wise in stepping in to act"
May God confers extreme powers on those who seek self-identity and trying to find a God in his life and gives a bright light for an answer and the way God member in each direction for our lives.
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